David Kukhianidze always wanted to run his own agricultural business. Even during his high school years, he realized that business related to food production is one of the most sustainable and promising ones. Therefore, soon after graduating from the university, he decided to fully pursue farming chickens in his village of Zovreti (Zestaponi municipality). Partly at his own expense, partly with the support of family and friends, he built a capital farm building, but he had no money left for internal finishing and equipment. When he heard about the small business development project and the grant competition he realized this was his chance. David entered the contest and won, and as a result he received the funds to purchase the necessary assets. His business is to grow day-old chickens then the poultry is processed at the slaughterhouse and finally comes to Zestaponi agricultural market.
In the beginning, his customer base was expanding not too fast. He had to make considerable effort to establish the reputation for his products in a highly competitive market. But now David quadrupled his production, if initially he raised 500 chicks per cycle, now it’s 2000. In improving his business strategy, he was greatly helped by the project’s technical assistance, which includes various trainings and coaching sessions aimed at developing professional and entrepreneurial skills of the supported microbusinesses. Currently David works on further improvement of his business processes, particularly he wants to decrease downtime periods between the batches of the chicken.
At the beginning of the year David reached out to Zestaponi branch of Jibe Cash & Carry wholesale trading company and signed a one-year supply contract with them. His further plans are to create own brand and to open a store.
Like many other supported businesses David says: “Many thanks to SBDP and its donor bp because the project really helps people and improves their lives.”