Each CTC associates (it includes: Board Members, Executive Director, Employees, Temporary experts/consultants, partner/grantee organizations/sub-contractors) will abide by the standards and rules of this code of conduct and will report any violation of it to CTC’s Executive Director and/or board:

  • CTC associates will uphold the highest ethical and professional standards. They will conduct themselves with honesty, loyalty and respect for their colleagues, clients, donors and
  • CTC and CTC associates will comply with the laws and regulations of Georgia as well as any other country where it may have activities.
  • CTC associates will exercise honesty and diligence in performing their duties and undertaking their responsibilities.
  • No CTC associate for a corrupt purpose, seek or accept from any person or entity in a business relationship with CTC, cash, services, gifts, entertainment, or anything else of
  • CTC does not make contributions to political candidates, political parties, or to any person or entity affiliated with a political party.
  • CTC funds may not be used for any illegal purpose or in any manner other than in accordance withappropriate
  • CTC associates will not offer, promise or pay anything of value to a government official except for (i) appropriate grants, (ii) appropriate travel and business meal expenses, or (iii) expenses reasonably contemplated in the scope of project
  • CTC associates will safeguard all its assets.
  • CTC associates will perform their duties in CTC’s best interests and will avoid personal interests to influence CTC’s activities. If a situation arises where a CTC associate believes it is impossible to avoid a conflict of interest, or its appearance, He/she will provide a full written explanation to the CTC Executive Director/Board.
  • CTC associates will not use for their own personal gain opportunities that come to their information through their position with CTC.
  • CTC associates in no way will cause or promote human rights abuses declared by Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • CTC does not tolerate, and no CTC associate will engage in workplace sexual harassment or other forms of harassment, nor will they engage in sexual exploitation or sexual
  • CTC associates will ensure that CTC does not provide any support to individual or entity that commits, advocates illegal acts.
  • CTC associate will not engage in any of the following activities: (a) any form of trafficking in persons (b) child abuse, (c) using forced or unjust labor.