Asmat is a member of Khulo Local Action Group (LAG) and also works for the local municipality. Since 2017 Asmat has been contributing to the development of LAG and municipal strategies and working closely with local communities as well as civil society organisations. Asmat decided to apply for the Civic Leadership Program in order to...
Tsotsne Museliani, is an avid activist in his hometown of Lentekhi working to empower local civil society sector. He is one of the masterminds behind an information portal and a founder of “Union for the Development of Georgian High Mountainous Regions”. Tsotne joined the Civic Leadership Program in 2018 with the hope to become...
Tamar Davituliani, a 24 year-old native of Tsageri, from an early age juggles between education, work and taking care of the family in addition to bringing positive changes in her hometown. Aspiration for change was the reason why Tamar applied for the Civic Leadership Program. She says Tsageri youth rarely have an opportunity to learn...
Saorsa – skills and passion for the better future “Adjara has great people and great potential, I want to live and work here, not in Tbilisi” says Lia Putkaradze, head of a local nonprofit “Saorsa” and Civic Leadership Program participant from 2018. Lia established “Saorsa” in 2018 with a vision of civic minded and skilled...
Center for Training and Consultancy has successfully finished the project “Following Peaceful Culture” alongside with Civic Education Teachers’ Forum. On the one hand, the project aimed to empower civic education teachers’ competences on the school and community level, to notice earlier signs of radicalization and violent extremism and to raise awareness on their prevention. On...
Center for Training and Consultancy and Konrad Adenauer Foundation start to implement a new initiative – “European Clubs in Georgia.” The Committee on European Integration of Parliament of Georgia and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia support the initiative. “European Clubs” have been popular in various countries in Europe for several...
პროექტის, “ადგილობრივი მოსახლეობის განვითარების ინიციატივა“ მე-5 ფაზის ფარგლებში, რომელიც ინიცირებული და დაფინანსებულია BP-სა და მისი პარტნიორების მიერ ბაქო-თბილისი-ჯეიჰანის ნავთობსადენის (BTC) და სამხრეთ კავკასიის გაზსადენის(SCP) კომპანიებში, ჩატარდა პროფესიული ტრენინგი მესათბურე ფერმერთათვის. პროფესიული ტრენინგის საჭიროება გამოიკვეთა მონიტორინგის დროს, როდესაც ერთ-ერთმა ბენეფიციარმა გამოთქვა სურვილი სასათბურე მეურნეობაში არსებული სირთულეების გადასალახად მიეღო უფრო ღრმა ცოდნა. 2016 წლის 14 ივნის გამართულ...