Community Development Initiative – Small Business Development Project 4,” is initiated and funded by bp and its partners in the Georgian Pipeline Company. The objective of the project is to strengthen the relationship between bp and the target communities and IGP settlements along the Westbound Export Pipeline (WREP) by promoting economic growth and enhancing prosperity...
The Small Business Development Project 4 (SBDP 4), funded by bp and its partners in the Georgian Pipeline Company, is progressing. Over three hundred people submitted business idea applications for the third grant competition targeting startups and existing entrepreneurs. Out of these, 203 promising ideas were selected, and their authors were invited to business plan...
Small Business Development Project 3 is initiated and funded by bp and its partners in the Georgia Pipeline Company. The aim of the project is to deepen positive relations between bp and the population of the villages along the Baku-Supsa pipeline through creation of the opportunities to start and develop small businesses. It is known...
Small Business Development Project 3 is initiated and funded by bp and its partners in the Georgia Pipeline Company. The aim of the project is to deepen positive relations between bp and the population of the villages along the Baku-Supsa pipeline through creation of the opportunities to start and develop small businesses. As is known,...
Small Business Development Project 3 is initiated and financed by bp and its partners in Georgia Pipeline Company. The objective of the project is deepening positive relations between bp and communities along the Baku-Supsa pipeline by promoting of establishment and development of the microbusinesses. Recently, the issue of the climate change impact on agriculture has...
Small Business Development Project 3 is initiated and financed by bp and its partners in Georgia Pipeline Company. The objective of the project is deepening positive relations between bp and communities along the Baku-Supsa pipeline by promoting of establishment and development of the microbusinesses. David Kukhianidze always wanted to run his own agricultural business. Even...
The year 2020 is almost over; it was very difficult for the country and, of course, for the micro entrepreneurs supported within the frames of the project. We would like to remind that “Small Business Development Project 3″ is initiated and funded by bp and its partners in the Georgian Pipeline Company. The coronavirus pandemic...
In September, funding of the first flow of the winners of the third grant competition was completed. A total of twenty people received funding, including 17 beginning and 3 existing entrepreneurs. We would like to remind that Small Business Development Project 3 is initiated and financed by bp and its partners in Georgian Pipeline Company....
The third grant competition announced within the frames of the SBDP3 has been completed. It was announced within the frame of Small Business Development Project 3 which is initiated and financed by bp and its partners in Georgia Pipeline Company. The objective of the project is deepening positive relations between bp and communities along the...
In December 2019 the first half of the project, which began in late July 2018, was completed. This project is a continuation of the first two phases of the program, which has been implemented since 2012. In this regard, the intermediate results were summarized and the internal assessment of the project was made, the summaries...